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7 SEO Tools That Will Make You The Sherlock Of Search

Through the years at RankPay, we’ve built a number of internal and external proprietary tools…  our two most utilized tools include the following:

Keyword Opportunity is a free tool showcased on the frontpage of that has become our cornerstone at RankPay.  It measures dozens of variables in real-time including the competitive landscape on any given keyword, and then provides an opportunity rating inclusive of monthly performance-based pricing based on our ability to increase rankings.

Keyword Watchlist is another free tool that is exclusive only to RankPay clients… this tool essentially allows our customers to track rankings on keywords across Google, Bing and Yahoo! that are not actively being optimized by RankPay.

The list of requests for additional free tools is never-ending, so we’ve decided to share a few SEO Tools that every small business and website can benefit from.  Just visit  —  no software or browser add-on installations required.

Linkio is another great tool for tracking rankings and the health of your backlink portfolio more broadly speaking. Their capabilities include an ahrefs integration, backlink monitoring, and anchor text analysis as well.

The Website Rankings Tool quickly displays your rankings across Google, Bing and Yahoo! in real-time.

The Keyword Suggestions Tool provides relevant considerations with search volume.

SEO Competition checks the number of competitive results on Page 1 of Google that actively optimize with the targeted keyword in their Title Tags.

We hope you find these helpful…  we’ll continue to build more free SEO Tools moving forward.


The Rankpay Team
Since 2007 we've helped thousands of business earn higher ranks in Google, Yahoo and Bing. "If you don't rank, you don't pay!"
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